Ana Sayfa > Ödüller, Diplomalar ***
"Tuna Günü" HG7DANUBE
"Tuna Günü" Tuna nehri çevresinde toplanan 14 ülkeden biri tarafından düzenlenen yıllık uluslararası bir olaydır. Nehir kıyısında, halka açık toplantılar ve eğlenceli çeşitli festivaller, eğitim etkinlikleri düzenlenerek farkındalık yaratmak ve Tuna Nehrindeki yaban hayatı korumak için düzenlenmektedir.
Tuna Nehri, Almanya'nın güneyindeki Karaorman Dağlarından doğar ve Donaueschingen'den Karadeniz'e döküldüğü Sulina Limanına kadar uzunluğu 2779 km'dir. Tuna Nehri'nin geçtiği ülkeler ise;Kara orman,Almanya, Avusturya, Slovakya, Macaristan, Hırvatistan, Sırbistan,Bulgaristan, Romanya, Moldova ve Ukrayna.
Başlangıç: 28 Haziran2015 00:00 UTC
Bitiş : 29 Haziran 2015 23:59 UTC.
Son gönderme tarihi 31 Temmuz 2015
HF 1. Output power not more than 10W
HF 2. Output power not more than 100W
HF 3. Output power more than 100W
Categories for Danube neighboring stations
HF 1D. Output power not more than 10W
HF 2D. Output power not more than 100W
HF 3D. Output power more than 100W
All HF amateur bands, according to IARU band plans. QSOs on repeaters not allowed.
Mode CW, phone.Call CQ DD, CQ CONTEST DanubeDay
Exchanged information
RST and an incrasing serial number from 001. (Ex. 599 001, 59 001). Stations operating from towns next to Danube, must add a "D". (Ex.: 599 001 D, 59 001 D). The D tells us that the station operates next to Danube.
During the contest, one station can only be worked on one band and one mode. One station can be worked in CW and Phone in one HF band.
Each station is one point.
Stations next to the Danube: 10 points.
Special station with callsign HG7DANUBE: 20 points.
Each country where Danube flows. (DK, OE, OM, HA, YU, 9A, YO, LZ, UR, ER)
Total score
The score multiplied with the number of Danube neighbouring countries worked.
Prepared in cabrillo (cbr) format.
Please put your full name, callsign, and postal and email address in the log file.
Deadline to send the logs in 31st of July.
Address of the manager
Szekely Jozsef HA7VY
Kinizsi utca 5.
Each amateur, who sends the log to the manager, gets a memorial.
The first three gets an additional medal.
The rewards are given in October in Szentendre. We send notification in advance.
Danube station is when your QTH (City, or town) is next to the Danube. If the log was received in email, the memorial is sent in email. If you can't participate on the giving of the awards, they get posted. Contacts made during the contest can be used to get the Danube Diploma.
The diplom can be request by any licenced amateur radio station or SWL, who made contacts, or observed QSOs from 2007.06.01.
No restriction on band and mode. One must confirm 100 QSOs or observations with the QTH of the far station is close to the Danube.
The request LOG must be in ( no QSL card required ) LOG 13 or computer generated format and
signed by two other amateurs.
The price of the diplom is 500 HUF or equivalent IRC or 2 EUR.
Adress of the manager: Szekely Jozsef HA7VY
Kinizsi utca 5. BUDAKALASZ. H-2011 HUNGARY
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