Gönderen Konu: TC1919ATA  (Okunma sayısı 19027 defa)

Çevrimdışı TA1DX

« : 15 Mayıs 2009, 09:33:42 »
Değerli Amatörler,
TRAC Kadıköy Şube Başkanımız TA2IK Kadir Beyden gelen yazı aşağıdadır:

19 Mayıs 1919 tarihi, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin tarihindeki dönüm noktalarından biridir. Atatürk’ün Samsun’a ayak bastığı tarih olan 19 Mayıs aynı zamanda “Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı” olarak kutlanmaktadır.Atatürk gençlerden sık sık bahsederken, yaş sınırı dışında fikri olarak gençliği yani, fikirde yeniliği ifade etmiştir. O’nun şu sözü çok anlamlıdır:“Genç fikirli demek, doğruyu gören ve anlayan gerçek fikirli demektir.”
Atatürk’ün gençliğe armağan ettiği ve “Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı” olarak kutlanan 19 Mayıs tarihinin önemini anlayabilmek için Atatürk’ün 16-19 Mayıs 1919 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirdiği İstanbul-Samsun yolculuğunu hatırlamamız gerekir.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin tarihindeki önemli olaylardan biri Atatürk’ün Samsun’a ayak basışıdır. Türk Milleti Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında kötüleşen koşullar içinde kurtuluş çareleri ararken büyük bir lider Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ortaya çıktı ve Samsun’a ayak basarak “Kurtuluş” yolunu açtı. Dolayısıyla Atatürk’ün 16-19 Mayıs 1919 İstanbul’dan başlayan yolculuğu bir kurtuluş dönemini simgeler.
Samsun Trac Şubesi Bu günü hatırlatmak amacı ile her yıl 18-19-20 Mayıs günlerinde havada olmaktadır.
19th May 1919, the day Mustafa Kemal Pasha arrived in Samsun, is accepted as the starting point of the Turkish Nationalist movement. Mustafa Kemal Pasha, accompanied with 22 officers, 25 soldiers and 8 administrative staff sailed in heavy weather on the old steamer with a not functioning compass needed to navigate in the wavy Black Sea, and set foot on land in Samsun on May 19, 1919.
When Mustafa Kemal landed in Samsun city of Anatolia on 19th May 1919, the situation of Anatolia was quite bad. People who came out wars which have been continued for long time, were tired, exhausted, and depressed. The Ottoman state was taken prisoner and Istanbul was occupied by emperialist forces. Sultan Vahideddin had no choice and was miserable.

Mustafa Kemal Pasha stayed in Samsun for about a week and then moved to Havza, a smaller town where he could work more peacefully. First, he brought under control of the Greeks in and around Samsun who were working for a Greek state of Pontus, and reestablished order in the area.Then he established permanent contact with all the commanders in Anatolia, putting himself at the head of the Nationalist organization. His aim was to inform people of the situation and to prepare them for the struggle ahead.
On 26th May he addressed the leading citizens of Havza: “We shall never despair. We shall struggle and we shall save the country. They do not wish to kill us, they wish to bury us alive.We are at the edge of a pit. One last act of courage may save us. In any case, we cannot turn.” His first plan of defence was to hold
broad fronts with small guerilla forces and to use the available regular forces only in concentrated action.
The people who got bored from wars that have continued for long time could not taken one more war into consideration. But, when districts of Anatolia were started by westerners, each district began to defend its property, life and honor.

Thus national forces socalled “Kuva-yi Milliye” was formed Mustafa Kemal could establish an orderly army by organizing the Kuva-yi Milliye” unities. Thereby, Anatolia people started straggling for their own motherland and national and religious values one more time.

Turkish People under leadership of Mustafa Kemal declared the independence and existing of Turks to all the World.
In early 1920, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk convened the first Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara, and by 1922 all of Anatolia was freed from foreign rule. The independent Republic of Turkey was declared a year later.During the course of his term as president, Atatürk himself proclaimed May 19 as “Youth and Sports Day”.

« Son Düzenleme: 15 Mayıs 2009, 09:38:28 Gönderen: TA1DX »